Product Description
Textile Material
Antibacterial activity of fabrics assessment of textile materials- Parallel Streak Method
[ AATCC-147-2004 ]
Antibacterial Finishes on textile materials
[ AATCC-100-2004 ]
Determining the Antimicrobial activity of Immobilized Antimicrobial agents under
Dynamic contact conditions
[ASTM: E2149-01 ]
Evaluation of Antibacterial activity of textile Materials: Agar Diffusion Plate Test
[ ISO 20645-2004 ]
Testing of antibacterial activity and Efficacy on Textile products
[ JIS L 1902:2002 ]
Determination of population of Microorganism on Product
[ IS; ISO/FDIS 11737-1; Part 1; 2005 ]
Mosquito Repellency
[ U.S. Patent 5,198,287 ]
Mosquito Repellency
[ Modified WHO/CTD/WHO - PES/IC/96.1 ]
Assessment of Dust Mite Properties of Textiles
[ AATCC Test Method Draft 5, Jan 2005 ]
Assessment of Antifungal Activity of Textile Materials
[ MIL-STD-810F Method 508.5.1-12 January 2000 ]
Assessment of Antifungal Activity of Textile & other Materials
[ AATCC Test Method 30 III ]
Non Textile Material such as Plastic Glazed Surfaces
Antimicrobial Products- Test for antimicrobial activity and Efficacy
[ JIS Z 28.1-2000 ]
Polymeric Materials
Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi
[ ASTM: G-21 ]
Any Surface or Material Contaminated with Microbes
Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria/ Fungi / Protozoa, Cysts
[ Bergys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 2000; ASM Manual ]
Chemicals / Any Antimicrobial Formulations
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for any one organism; Tube Method
[ ASM Methods ]
Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) for any one organism; Plate Method
[ ASM Methods ]
Antifungal Activity by Plate Method
[ ASM Methods ]
Time Kill Test using Bacteria, Fungi & Algae
[ API RP-38 Method 2002 ]
Preservative Effectiveness for organisms - Preservative Challenge Test
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Test. This test is done on Mouse Kidney Cell Line L929.
It can be done Qualitatively and Quantitatively. Quantitatively can be done by
MMT Assay. Test Method is EN ISO 10993-5:2009
Resistance to growth of mold on the surface of interior paint coatings in an
environmental chamber (Evaluation of Antifungal activity of paint samples on applied surfaces)
[ ASTM D 3273-05 ]
Evaluating Degree of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Microbial Growth
(Fungal or Algal) on soil & Dirt Accumulations
[ASTM D 3274-2002 ]
To assess the performance of in-can Oxford Cylinder cup Preservatives;
Qualitative method bioassay
To assess the performance of preservative Filter Paper Method in exterior paint;
Qualitative method
Water Samples - Drinking Water/ Swimming Pool water
Total Plate Count [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Enumeration of coliforms by MPN Method [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Enumeration of coliforms by Membrane Filter Assembly [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Enumeration of Escherichia coli by MPN Method [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Enumeration of Clostridium welchii [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Faecal Streptococci [ IS 1622 - 1981 ]
Food Samples Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products, Herbs, Spices & Condiments,
Canned & Processed Food, Milk & Dairy Products, Fruit & Fruit Products,
Animal Feeds
Total Bacterial Count
[ IS 5402: 2002 / ISO 4833:1991 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Total Yeast & Mould Count
[ IS 5403: 1999, Reaffirmed 2005 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Enumeration of Coliforms
[IS 5401 (Part 1): 2002 / ISO 4832 : 1991 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Detection & Identification of Escherichia coli
[IS 5401 (Part 1): 2002 / ISO 4832 : 1991 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Enumeration of Escherichia coli by Plate Method
[IS 5401 (Part 1): 2002 / ISO 4832 : 1991 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Enumeration of Escherichia coli by MPN Method
[IS 5401 (Part 1): 2002 / ISO 4832 : 1991 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Detection of Salmonella
[IS 5887 (Part 3): 1999 / ISO 6579 : 1993 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Detection of Shigella
[IS 5887 (Part 7): 1999 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Detection / Enumeration of S.aureus by Plate Method
[IS 5887 (Part 2): 1999 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Enumeration of Faecal Streptococci by Plate Method
[IS 5887 (Part 2): 1999 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Enumeration of Faecal Streptococci by MPN Method
[IS 5887 (Part 2): 1999 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Enumeration & Confirmation of Bacillus cereus
[IS 5887 (Part 6): 1999 / ISO 7932 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Detection / Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens
[IS 5887 (Part 4): 1976 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
[IS 14843 : 2000 / ISO 13720 : 1995 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Detection of Vibrio cholerae
[IS 5887 (Part 5): 1976 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes Part 1
[IS 14988 (Part 1) : 2001 / ISO 11290-1 : 1996 / Reaffirmed 2007 ]
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes Part 2
[IS 14988 (Part 2) : 2001 / ISO 11290-1 : 1996 / Reaffirmed 2009 ]